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AlRasool Islamic Center
Hadith Of The Day
Imam Muhammad Baqir [a] told Jabir: "Is it enough for a person to (merely) embellish (oneself) as a Shi`ah (follower) by professing love of us, Ahlul-Bayt? Nay! By Allah, a person is not our follower except the one who fears Allah and obeys Him. O` Jabir! Our followers are not recognized save by humility; submission; honesty; praising Allah abundantly; fasting and prayers; filial devotion; attending to the poor, needy, debtors, and orphans who live near him; saying the truth; reciting the Qur`an; withholding the tongue from people except for benediction; and being trustworthy for relatives in any affairs..." ‡ ‡Al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 74
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Dear Believers

1. 15th of Shaban

Alsalamu Alaikum ‡

Eid Mubarek to all of you and we ask Almighty Allah to consider you as follower and supporter of the imam of the age (AJ) and hasten his apparent.

The Holy Prophet (SA) had said that during the night of 15th Shaban the Almighty takes decisions in the matters of sustenance, life and death and welfare of the people. ‡Next to the "night of Qadr" the night of 15th Shaban is the most auspicious night ( also known as "night of Baraat"). According to the Holy Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali Al Baqir (AS) and Jafar Ibn Muhammad Al Sadiq (AS) The Almighty Allah has promised to fulfill every legitimate desire put forward to him tonight.

Please join us to renew our covenant to imam Al-Mahdi (AS) and celebrate his birth day Saturday evening 6/22/13

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The program wills include the following:

‡8:00 PM Quran Recitation
‡8:05 PM Hadeeth Alkissa
‡8:35 PM Salat Maghrab and Asha
‡9:00 PM Al-Mahdi School Class four presentations
‡9:45 PM Question/ Answer and Awards
‡10:00 PM Mawlood
‡10:15 PM Dinner (potluck, please bring some food with you)

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Please do not miss Aammal of this night (Refer to Mafatih Aljinan). Please find below some of these Aammaals.

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Take bath and put on clean cloths

Keep vigil the night long in prayers till dawn

Recite Ziarath of Imam Hussain (AS)

Recite Dua`a-E-Kumayl

Recite: (i) SUBH'AANALLAAH 100 times (ii) ALH'AMDU LILLAAH 100 times (iii) ALLAAHU AKBER 100 times (iv) LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH 100 times

Imam Jaafar Ibn Muhammad As Saadiq (AS) has advised the faithfuls to pray 2 rakaat namaz tonight after the Ishaa prayers. In the first rakaat recite surah hamd and sureh Kaafiroon and in the second Rakaat recite sureh Al Fathihah and sureh Al Iklaas. After the salaam recite Tasbih of Fatima Zahr(SA)

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May Allah and Ahlualbiat accept you aammaals

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2. Al-Mahdi School Picnic

We invite you and your dear family to Al-Mahdi school picnic at Sardis Lake this Sunday, June. 23, from 11:00 AM until 5:00 PM. We will gather at the center 10:30 AM then leave at 11:00 AM Sharp. The gathering prayer will hold at the picnic site. There is plenty of room for the whole family to relax and enjoy themselves. We are asking everyone to bring their own picnic items – drinks, snacks, meat, fish and other items they would like to grill and eat. We may find grills on site but it is advisable for you to bring your own just in case. We will hold the picnic at the center if the weather condition is not good.

Note: we will have no program at the center this Sunday.

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May Allah bless you all.

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Alrasool Islamic Center