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AlRasool Islamic Center
Hadith Of The Day
Imam Muhammad Baqir [a] told Jabir: "Is it enough for a person to (merely) embellish (oneself) as a Shi`ah (follower) by professing love of us, Ahlul-Bayt? Nay! By Allah, a person is not our follower except the one who fears Allah and obeys Him. O` Jabir! Our followers are not recognized save by humility; submission; honesty; praising Allah abundantly; fasting and prayers; filial devotion; attending to the poor, needy, debtors, and orphans who live near him; saying the truth; reciting the Qur`an; withholding the tongue from people except for benediction; and being trustworthy for relatives in any affairs..." ‡ ‡Al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 74
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Fatima Al-Zahra (A.S.) Biography

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Untimely Martyrdom of FatiMa Zahra
Fatima In Qur'an
Janabe Fatema Zahra (as)
Fatima (A.S.) the Daughter of the Prophet (S.A)
Janab Fatima Zehra (A.S.)