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AlRasool Islamic Center
Hadith Of The Day
`Anas-ibn-Mlaik narrates from the Messenger of Allah [s] who said: "Accept six things from me, then I will accept (and guarantee) the entrance of Heaven for you: ‡ ‡1. When you speak, tell no lies. ‡2. When you promise, do not break it. ‡3. When you are trusted (by others), be honest. ‡4. Lower your eyes (from committing sin). ‡5. Guard your modesty. ‡6. Hold your hands and tongues." ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡Khisal-i-Saduq, p. 321
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Thu Al-Hijja Practices (Aamal)

The First 10 Days of Dhu al-Hijjah:

The Greatest Days of the Year

‡All Praise is due to Allah, and may His peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad (saws), his family, and all those who follow him until the Day of Judgment. ‡

‡Dear brothers and sisters, ‡

‡Ramadan was a fleeting visitor that vanished as suddenly as it appeared, More