Hadith Of The Day
`Anas-ibn-Mlaik narrates from the Messenger of Allah [s] who said: "Accept six things from me, then I will accept (and guarantee) the entrance of Heaven for you:
‡1. When you speak, tell no lies.
‡2. When you promise, do not break it.
‡3. When you are trusted (by others), be honest.
‡4. Lower your eyes (from committing sin).
‡5. Guard your modesty.
‡6. Hold your hands and tongues."
‡Khisal-i-Saduq, p. 321
Dear believers
‡Alsalamu Alaycom
‡We here at Alrasool Islamic Center ask Allah (SW) to shower you and your Family with his peace and blessing. The month of Safar brings along with it a feeling of great sadness and sorrow in the heart of every Muslim and we would like to ask you and your dear family to join us in commemorating the greave month of Safar in our center. In your behalf we send our condolences to the Imam of the age (AJ) for shahadat his grand father Imam Al-Hasan Al-mujtaba (AS) 7th of Safar correspond to Sunday 1/1/12. Please join us this Sunday 1/1/12 to commemorate Imam Al-Hasan (AS) after Salat Aldhuher and Alasser.
‡Alrasool Islamic Center